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A Series Of Unfortunately Silly Events


Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Ziva Fey

My good friend Ziva Fey and I were just having a nice, relaxing evening at home. We were going to chat, maybe watch something on TV... but when she dropped her phone under the table, she knocked herself clean out trying to get it! I went to help, but I laid myself out too! Maybe we're just hungry, I figured...

I went to make us some food, but I accidentally bashed Ziva on the noggin with the pan! I tried again, but I had used too much grease... the pan was slippery, and I ended up losing my grip! You'll never believe this, but I knocked myself out again with the pan!

After that it was all hazy, but I'm pretty sure that we both scrambled through the house, knocking ourselves and each other out repeatedly! Eventually, James came home... but when he saw two ladies senseless on the floor, he decided he didn't want anything to do with it and left!

This movie contains table head bonk KOs, multiple head KOs, frying pan KOs, electric door KOs, door slam KOs, dragging, f/f OTS carry, drooling, over the top reactions, tongue protrusion, body piles


  • 15 minutes runtime
  • Resolution - 1920x1080
  • File Size - 1.79 GB

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