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A Cure-All Wake Up Call


Starring Coco

Superheroine CureAll has an amazing powerset. She's capable of healing so fast that even most forms of KnockOut can't keep her down long! Hypnotic Villain Mind Master has a theory though... he'll use his psychic power to take over her mind, and then he'll probe her for weaknesses! She's not so easily swayed, though... every time he establishes a link, she manages to kick him out!

He's able to KO her several time anyway, as well as making her touch herself seductively and move around the room. When he has finally managed to overpower her defenses, Mind Master simply shuts her down! She comes to bound nude and cleave gagged, and MM's mysterious boss repeatedly knocks her out PoV!

This movie contains mesmerism, drink KO, sleeping gas KO, sleepy spray KO, bondage, nudity, groping


  • 14 minutes runtime
  • Resolution - 1920x1080
  • File Size - 1.64 GB

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